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30 September, 2019

Lamex launched the New Collaborative Furniture – Longhouse, and the New Workplace Concept of “Neighborhoods”.

Corporate , Design Trends , Product

2019.09.24, The New Collaborative Furniture – Longhouse was launched in Shanghai Lamex Workplace Center. From designers, clients to media, Lamex housed 150 guests to experience the concept of “Neighborhoods”.

Given the wide application of AI technology, automation has replaced some of the human resources in manufacturing industry, logistic industry and retail industry.  Except those face-to-face meeting and other interpersonal tasks such as social, creative problem solving, sharing, etc, the amount of focus work is expected to be reduced. It makes teamwork and collaboration being the main direction of workplace trend.

The “Neighborhoods” by Lamex advocates community creation in our workplaces.  It addresses the ambiguity, mobility and nomadic forms of workplaces and development trend of collaborative workplace model, and satisfies the human physical and emotional needs toward a working environment.

The relationship between workplace and human connection is always the focal point of Lamex direction. At the afternoon of 24th September, Lamex and INTERNI (a famous Design Media from Italy) co-organized a Design Forum on Workplace Development.

Mr. Li Ying, The Associate partner of HBA and Studio HBA, expressed that designers should avoid using one single solution to finish their designs. Instead, study and analysis of the actual problem should be focused. A good designer is always trained to have an effective thinking and methodology for almost every space design. They are able to make personal statements on the rules of designs, provide effective solutions and satisfy the needs of customers.

Mr. Marc Fong, the Design Director of Lamex, expressed that collaboration and teamwork are the primary way of working in the future, given the rapid development of technology and application of AI. Idea, interaction are the keywords for future workplace. People want to socialize, make friends, and live in a happy atmosphere in the workplace. The new products by Lamex like Longhouse, Surrounds,Bay Lite and Lumin Phone Booth are designed to create a sustainable and collaborative area where people can create, share and interact.

According to Mr. Pasqualino Tomassi, the Design Director of Progetto CMR (China), the recent report by Progetto CMR finds that one of the 3 main demands of employees is to have an environment, where collaboration, technology and mobility coexist to foster communication and sharing. Employees also wish to have more connections between works and private life.

The 3 guest speakers host a forum section on the following topics, how people connect across countries and regions, how to balance traditional culture and modern innovation, and how to cope with the trend of community-liked and family-liked development of modern office.

After the forum, we had an evening soiree with the preview of new products which includes Longhouse, and experience the new beginning of “Neighborhoods” workplace.

Longhouse is inspired by the traditional Long House dwellings of indigenous people in China and other Asian countries. The indigenous people solve problems by teamwork. It develops to become a tradition and culture. Design is always to explore the possibility and improvement between human, objects and environments.

Longhouse is inspired by the concept and shape of the traditional Long House. Longhouse has 3 basic elements: Socialized Work (Pavilion), Collaboration (Kitchen Table) and Focus Work (Desk), and they form a community in a workplace. Given the ability to provide different configurations for activities like personal works, small group meeting, presentation and rests, Longhouse satisfies the needs for works and life.

The tables of Longhouse provide a stable area for focus works and collaborative works as well. The Kitchen table supports creative works, sharing and learning, etc. The Pavilion provides a quiet area to allow people to rests and, enjoy a quiet and personal moment.

Surrounds is a sustainable product that cares about environment, while it is made of environmental friendly material. Its specially shaped appearance allows different panel configurations: S-shape, C-shape and windmill-shape, etc.

The interaction and communication between people foster the formation of a community. By the duplication of sharing, we will have habit, culture and relationship. When all these elements come together, we will have a community, where people love, care and share. It symbolizes the Lamex’s perspectives on modern collaboration and the professional advices for modern workplaces. It will tell you a good design when the design cares about people, functions, beauty and sustainability. 

Along with Longhouse, Surrounds, Bay Lite and Lumin Phone Booth, it enriches the collaboration of woks and life in the workplace.

Shanghai is the first section of the Forum and the New Product Launch by Lamex, and it is also the launching event of Longhouse. Along with Longhouse, we also have Surrounds, Bay Lite, Ingage Plus and Lumin Phone Booth, which together illustrate the concept of Neighborhoods. Next stop is Guangzhou. See you!

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